Providing a student-focused education in a loving Christian environment
Providing a student-focused education in a loving Christian environment
Concordia Lutheran Preschool Guidelines for Volunteers
Concordia Lutheran Preschool Guidelines for Volunteers
You are important to Concordia Preschool! While we are immensely appreciative of your willingness
to support Concordia with your time, we remain committed to maintaining the fidelity of our
classroom instruction and the confidentiality of our students and our staff. Therefore, we ask
that you be aware of the following guidelines prior to any in-school volunteering:
1. All volunteers must have their volunteer clearances filed with the preschool director prior to
volunteering. These clearances are the same as East Penn School District; you may find links to all
clearances on their webpage: http://www.eastpennsd.org/hr/volunteer/
For those who wish to be a volunteer, you are required to submit to the Preschool Director the
• A Pennsylvania Criminal History (no cost for volunteers).
• A Child Abuse History (no cost for volunteers).
• Concordia Preschool also requires that you have notarized, at your expense, the Appendix G of
Concordia Church’s Child Protection Policy: Volunteer Affidavit.
• Please note that if you have not been a resident of the state of Pennsylvania for 10 years,
you will be required to complete the FBI Federal Criminal History to be a volunteer, at your
Certificates are valid for 60 months (5 years) from the date issued and must be renewed in order to
continue as a volunteer within the preschool.
To be a drop-in visitor (Mystery Reader, Career Day Speaker), you will not need clearances but you
must have notarized, at your expense, the Appendix G of Concordia Church’s Child Protection Policy:
Volunteer Affidavit.
To volunteer in the building but not interact with children nor be in the classroom wing (help set
up Spaghetti Dinner, help sort Scholastic flyers, help make goody bags for the Movie Matinee), you
do not need any clearances nor do you need the notarized Volunteer Affidavit.
2. Upon arrival, remember to sign in at the main office and to wear a Visitor badge at all times
while you are in the building.
3. Please refrain from wandering the halls to check on your student while you are volunteering.
4. Out of respect for constraints on our teachers’ time during the school day, please do not
attempt to engage your son’s/daughter’s teacher in conversation about your child. Please also
adhere to the assigned volunteer times.
5. We work hard to maintain an environment of confidentiality for all of our students and staff,
and we trust you will, also. It is imperative that personal information you may directly or
indirectly observe about any of our students or staff during your time in the building be kept
Thank you for giving up your time to volunteer at Concordia!